The Mission of the Pro-Life Coalition of PA. is to...
enact public policies that protect the sanctity of all human life, the sanctity of marriage and the dignity of the human person;
recruit participants into the pro-life movement in PA.; and
develop leaders for the pro-life movement in PA.
Our organization pursues this mission through various activities which include
encouraging and equipping PA.'s citizens to contact their local public officials in support of pro-life public policies;
visiting public officials in our State Capitol and in their District Offices in support of pro-life public policies;
organizing rallies or protests in our State Capitol and other locations in Pa. in support of pro-life public policies;
exposing the unlawful and/or medically harmful practices of abortion facilities in Pa.;
promoting and aiding public witnesses at abortion facilities;
conducting pro-life educational seminars and activities throughout PA.; and
preparing and distributing educational materials in support of our mission.​
The Pro-Life Coalition of Pa. has 501c(4) status, which is a designation that the Internal Revenue Service grants to public policy advocacy organizations that are tax-exempt, but not tax-deductible. Our organization accomplishes our mission through the efforts of our affiliates and the efforts of pro-life citizens whom we directly activate.
Our Officers are
Michael J. McMonagle
Montgomery County
Kathy Kuhns
Berks County
Helen Cindrich
Allegheny County​
Charles Waldecker
Delaware County
Our Legislative Director is Ted Meehan from Delaware County.
The current leaders of our affiliates include the following.
Central Pennsylvania
Teresa McNitt
Mid-East Pennsylvania
Kathy Kuhns, President, Pro-Life Berks
Northeast Pennsylvania
Mary Ann Haas
Norbert Josten
Northwest Pennsylvania
Diane Gramble, President, American Family Association
Norbert Josten
Southeast Pennsylvania
Bucks County
Ellen Gifford, President, Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition
Sandy Slater, Vice-President, Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition
Patricia Dowling, Editor, Voices For The Unborn
Chester County
Silvana Byrne, President, Chester County Pro-Life Coalition
Jack O'Brien
David Walsh
Delaware County
Ted Meehan, President, Delaware County Pro-Life Union
John Williamson, Esq.
Lori Cotterall
Montgomery County
Kathy Sobocinski, President, Montgomery County Pro-Life Coalition
Rev. Bill Devlin
Patrick Stanton
Anita Flynn, President, Northeast Philadelphia Pro-Life Coalition
Rose D'Adamo
Tom Lacey
Susan Silcox
Howard Walton
Southwest Pennsylvania
Beth Svirbel, President, People Concerned for the Unborn Child
Helen Cindrich, Executive Director, People Concerned for the Unborn Child
Mary Lou Gartner
Francis Bevan, Director, Pa. Eagle Forum
Jim Ludwig, LIFEPAC of Pa.